Thursday, July 29, 2010

Yannick Tona Visiting the ICTR centre of Informationa with Discover Rwanda Participant 210

1 comment:

  1. Dear Friends
    Thank you for be interesting about my work, after visiting the information and Documentation centre of International Criminal tribunal for Rwanda in Kigali near of Centre town on afternoon of 17/07/2010,I discover lot about the work of ICTR and the centre but the amazing part I find was the Library their have and where you can find many books about genocide and other document about genocide, and ICTR. The library is open to Public, it is in that case I want to encourage you to use that opportunity to visit and learn about ICTR work and more about genocide, and also you will find most of document which will help you to do your reach for some and others to learn more. The library is open from Monday to Thursday, from 08:30am to 05:30pm. For more information you can visit their website.
